The principle behind "ND (Not Detectable)"



The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health conducts the measurement strictly in accordance with the measurement method prescribed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

測定には測定誤差があります。そのため、測定値がその測定誤差の3倍より小さい値の場合には、 結果を数値として示すと正確さを欠く可能性があるため、 「ND(不検出)」と表示することになっています(ND:Not Detected)。

In addition, any measurements contain measurement errors. Therefore, if a measured value is smaller than 3 times of an absolute value of a measurement error, such a value is considered inaccurate and will be expressed as ND (Not Detectable).

Examples of measured values, measurement errors and expression of results (In the case of tap water, with an unit of Bq/kg)

Measured value
Measurement error
Comparison with 3 times the measurement error
Expression of Results
(例1) 100
(Example 1)
±5 100>15 100
(例2) 1.5
(Example 2)
±0.2 1.5>0.6 1.5
(例3) 0.04
(Example 3)
±0.02 0.04<0.06 ND(不検出)

上の表で、例1の場合、測定値が100、測定誤差が5という結果が出ました。この場合は、測定誤差の5の3倍が15です。 測定値100は15より大きな値であり、正確な値として、そのまま100と表示します。



In the case of example 1, a measured value is 100, while an absolute value of a measurement error is 5, giving its 3 times as 15. Because 100 is more than 15, the measured value is expressed as is.

In the case of example 2, a measured value is 1.5, while an absolute value of a measurement error is 0.2, giving its 3 times as 0.6. Because 1.5 is more than 0.6, the measured value is expressed as is.

In the case of example 3, a measured value is 0.04, while an absolute value of a measurement error is 0.02, giving its 3 times as 0.06. Because 0.04 is less than 0.06, the measured value is considered inaccurate and thus the result is expressed as ND (Not Detectable).